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Do You Need to Install a New AC System in Vail, AZ?

Need To Install New AC System

With temperatures climbing into the 80s or higher for much of the year, homeowners in Vail, AZ, need effective and efficient air conditioning. If your air conditioner isn’t functioning at its best, you’ll consider whether to repair or replace it. Here’s some information that can help you decide if you need to install a new AC system in your home.

Old AC System

The best time to install a new AC system is before your old air conditioner fails. Depending on the type and brand you buy, expect to use it for 10 years or longer. Once you reach this milestone, have a service technician inspect your AC system. It may be time to upgrade to a new air conditioner to avoid costly AC repairs down the road.

Constant AC Repairs

From blowing warm air to breaking down, an air conditioner can experience a wide range of problems. AC repairs can help you get more life out of your system. However, those air conditioner repairs are temporary until something else breaks. A new AC system will save you money on air conditioning repairs and maintenance in the long run.

High Cooling Bills

Do you worry every time your electric bill arrives because it seems to just keep going up? When you use your AC system often and suffer from high energy bills, it’s time for a new air conditioner. Older models aren’t as energy efficient as more recent AC systems, plus they use more power just to keep your home comfortable.

Too Much Humidity

On top of keeping your home cool, an air conditioner also reduces humidity. Humidity can damage many things around your house, including metal objects and surfaces that corrode when exposed to moisture. You likely need to install a new AC system if your old air conditioner stops reducing humidity.

Frequent Cycling

A short cycle is when the AC system turns on and runs but then shuts down quickly. This tells you that your current AC system can’t keep up with the rising temperatures inside and out. While you can make short-term fixes, frequent cycling often indicates that you need to install a new AC system.

These signs are saying you need a new AC system, but it’s up to you whether to repair or replace it. You’ll make the right choice when you choose True Mechanical, LLC for your AC replacement or installation in Vail, AZ.

Image provided by iStock

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